flashcard app for mac and iphone


PachuCard es una tarjeta de Descuentos y Beneficios que podrás usar en más de 350 establecimientos como son: Restaurantes, Cafeterías, Cinépolis, ADO,...

OCA Flashcards

How to study effectively?Do you want to succeed in exams?Using Flashcard will help you learn faster and remember more in a shorter time by showing fla...

FTCE Flashcards

How to study effectively?Do you want to succeed in exams?Using Flashcard will help you learn faster and remember more in a shorter time by showing fla...

GRE FlashCards

Application containing 1997 words that will help you crack your vocab tests. The flash cards are so simple to operate just tap on the card, learn and ...


Try out new ZPlayer features by joining the Beta testers.ZPlayer offers:• Music Features- Media Player- Listening history- Auto generated playlists (M...


Uplayer - 最佳的方式來享受您的視頻。讓你感受到前所未有的試聽享受!這是最好的視頻播放器來播放視頻在您的手機,它是完全免費的!UPlayer是視頻播放器支持所有最流行的視頻格式,無需任何轉換。它的智能核心技術自動檢測視頻格式,使得它更容易,讓您享受更流暢,更優質的視頻。我們確保使用後,你一定...