ギャラリー フォルダー プラグイン
Tired of going through multiple steps to just to make a phone call? Put a Fast Favorites widget on your home screen and get one touch access to your f...
無料アプリ「ギャラリーフォルダー プラグイン」の、広告非表示版です。広告非表示版が欲しいとの要望に応え、販売を開始することになりました。詳しい説明については、無料版に記載されておりますのでそちらをご覧いただければと思います。本アプリ購入前は、事前に無料版で動作を確かめられることをお勧めします。また、...
Cache Cleaner works for both non-root and root users.Clear all your cache and free up space with a single click! You can also setup an auto clear inte...
Cache Cleaner allows you to remove all cache files with a single click.Because internal memory is precious, and cache isn't.This is the original!I...
1、它可以为您清除以下类型的缓存记录: * 清除浏览器缓存记录 * 清除所有的应用程序缓存 * 清除剪贴板 * 清除来电 * 清除拨出电话 * 清除未接来电 * 清除Gmail搜索缓存记录 * 清除谷歌地图搜索缓存记录 * 清除电子市场搜索缓存记录 * 清除YouTube搜索缓存记录 * 清除谷歌搜...
Cache Cleaner, a quick tool for clearing application cache. One click you can clear the cache for all programs for mobile phones make more space avail...
Cache Cleaner is a simple and easy to use application which acts as a cache cleaning tool as well as removes the cookies from Browser History. Downloa...
You must have Folder Organizer (Paid or free version) installed for this set of icons to work. There are 395 icons included in this set. If you don...
Suite Folder Organizer is an android application that allow you to organize installed applications, Bookmarks and Contacts using Widget Folders. With ...