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美妝Q蒐集了眾多網路人氣部落格,希望讓所有愛美的女性朋友,能夠即時瀏覽流行資訊,我們提供第一手最新的優質文章,讓您輕鬆享受掌握美麗時尚的樂趣。[產品特色]* 收錄200+的美妝時尚部落客文章。* 分門別類的資訊頻道* 客製化的服務,讓您自由訂閱喜愛的部落客文章,加入自己的首頁* 貼新設計方便分享你的...
專為18-25歲青春女孩打造的流行雜誌,內容包含時尚、彩妝、藝人等多元性流行議題,每月更提供贈獎活動,好禮玩不完! 功能簡介 愛女生 - 每週更新主題單元 愛單品 - 每週更新主題單元強打商品 愛相機 - 每個人都可以變身成愛女生雜誌封面主角 愛金幣 - 玩簡單小遊戲累積獲得金幣參加拉霸遊戲 愛好禮...
FG USA is your own free electronic music radio now available to stream music on your smartphone. Choose between the best of US and European selections...
Ya en Android la revista de moda más vendida del mundo. Disfruta de la edición digital de la revista Elle, con los mismos contenidos que la edición im...
Scaricando l'App avrai la possibilità di acquistare l'edizione digitale della rivista.Avrai la possibilità di sottoscrivere abbonamenti con du...
Alive Street Fashion Magazine fringe JWe hit the street to find the mainstreaming street fashion people in Korea. There is no one right answer, but th...
Alive Street Fashion Magazine fringe J We hit the street to find the mainstreaming street fashion people in Korea. There is no one right answer, but t...
Uninstall the old fashion design guide, before installing this versionFashion design and construction guide contains a lengthily and detailed glossary...
The official fashionmagazine247.com! Magazine Android application brings all the latest celebrity news to your phone, the best photographs and the hot...