feedly app 中文


All your favorite websites in one place. Instead of having to hunt down for news, feedly aggregates the contents of your favorite sites and delivers t...


מעוניינים לקבל עדכונים מהגן של הילד? לקבל עדכון על חוג שהתבטל או נדחה ישירות למכשיר? לקבל עדכוני תוכן, מידע או מבצעים מארגונים שמעניינים אתכם? מעוניינ...


Can you help Feebow adventure his way back home?Feebow is a innocent and cute critter in a very dangerous world. He has been separated from his parent...

Feedly RSS阅读器

feedly是一款跨平台的Rss阅读软件,可以在 Firefox/Safari/Chrom/iOS/Android上完美运行,也就是说只要你有一个Google Reader帐户,便可以将其RSS源同步到feedly,feedly的界面十分简洁清爽,只有简简单单的几个小按钮而已,运行速度超快,应用本身...


Feedy let you monitor your news. You can create an alert where you should specify a few keywords, select from where do you want to get the news and th...


"And now, with no warning, it's back—and it's beautiful." - GizmodoDigg delivers the most interesting and talked-about stories on the Internet...