BIXOLON Printer Demo 14
Applicable printers:- Mobile printers (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WI-Fi Direct)SPP-R200IISPP-R300SPP-R400SPP-R210- Thermal printers (Ethernet only)SRP-F310 / S...
Applicable printers:- Mobile printers (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WI-Fi Direct)SPP-R200IISPP-R300SPP-R400SPP-R210- Thermal printers (Ethernet only)SRP-F310 / S...
Net Whacker is both a networking toolbox and a server, URL monitoring tool. Basically this tool allows you to quickly setup a server testing schedule ...
SafeLet is one of the most secure information storage available for Android devices. SafeLet applies the TNO (Trust-no-one) philosophy in design and i...
Touchstone is a revolutionary mobile app for self, automated, practice exams and testing. It is also used for conducting surveys and elections. With t...
play하고 쉽게 따라서 운동하는 '홈다이어트 북부 살빼기 운동'홈다이어트 복부 살빼기는 집에서 아령이나 물통만을 이용해 간단하면서 운동효과가 좋은 운동으로 구성되어 10분안에 땀을 흘릴수 있습니다.-운동-운동전후 스트레칭과 운동을 복부 기초근력 다지기(...
Protect your battery from overcharging with THEFT alarm. This app notifies you when your battery is fully charged. You can also select battery level a...
Turn your Android phone into a multicoloured flashlight.- A simple "no thrills" flashlight application.- Turns screen brightness to maximum for best e...
Your made-to-order daily news source Get the news you need and an endless stream of stories you love, summarized by Yahoo. Favorite features -Get summ...
这是一款好友位置共享及信息发布平台,目前支持的功能包括群位置共享、群内信息发布、好友轨迹查询、好友位置跟随、好友信息交流和查看附近的人等。 本软件的应用场景非常广泛: 1)好友出行 一群好友结对出游时可以用该软件随时的查看其他好友的位置。若单独活动亦可随时知晓大部队的位置,不至于走散。即使分散开,也...
路透是全球最值得信赖的新闻机构,路透APP为您推送突发新闻、深度分析、全球市场投资报告和市场数据,您可以通过手机或平板尽情浏览文章、图片和视频内容。产品特点:范围广泛:汇聚深度分析、时事要闻、报告数据、图片视频、寰宇花絮等。个性随心:您可以创建个性化的关注列表。 阅读灵活:您可以在线阅读,也可以先保...