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》請下載全新【聖經行事曆】請使用最新版「教會+聖經」,它能提供撰寫教會及小組訊息功能﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣高興你閱讀聖經,與神同行.MyTouchBible 功能包括:1.完善、快速的搜尋功能 例:輸入想搜尋的關鍵字「愛」,系統會列出所有包含「愛」的詞語:仁愛、相愛、貪愛、慈愛等,並註明在...

Al Aan TV

Al Aan TV is a Dubai-based free-to-air pan-Arab channel focusing on issues that matter to Arab women.In this application, you can view Al Aan TV shows...


AKE' THE NEW AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTION• Check out the Campaign Photos.• Browse the Look Book• Shop On-Line• Use the Store Locator to find the closest b...