Facebook打卡程式! 只要簡單兩個步驟, 輕輕鬆鬆快速打卡, 讓你的朋友隨時可以在Facebook上瀏覽你的最新動態和你所去過的有趣地標!你也可以同步更新朋友曾經打卡過的位置!藉由簡訊將你的所在地傳送給朋友, 讓你和朋友可以更迅速簡單的聚在一起!關鍵詞:面書,打卡,簽到,我的地方,分享位置, ...
Facebook打卡程式! 只要簡單兩個步驟, 輕輕鬆鬆快速打卡, 讓你的朋友隨時可以在Facebook上瀏覽你的最新動態和你所去過的有趣地標!你也可以同步更新朋友曾經打卡過的位置!藉由簡訊將你的所在地傳送給朋友, 讓你和朋友可以更迅速簡單的聚在一起!關鍵詞:面書,打卡,簽到,我的地方,分享位置, ...
※無法登入的問題已修復!美國、英國、法國、德國,想去哪裡打卡就去哪裡打卡!特色:★ 無聊時, 帶你到處去打卡! 想打哪就打哪!★ 愚人節, 換個方式愚弄一下朋友吧!★ 偷情時, 利用假打卡來證明你的行蹤!★ 錯過時, 重新回到該地再打一次卡!讓你用說的、用打的、用找的,都能打卡!!免費玩Facebo...
Place+ app讓你可以隨時隨地紀錄到達的地點並分享給你的朋友, 只需輕輕一按就能立即將紀錄的地點分享及打卡到臉書(Facebook),推特(Twitter),電子郵件和相簿。支援語言: 中文、英文、法文、德文、義大利文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、日文、韓文、俄文功能:1. 地點紀錄: 紀錄你到達的地...
Many features to help you when playing Yu-Gi-Oh OCG!In addition to a life counter, you can use timer, dice, counter, coin, etc too.No Adds while calcu...
Cette application vous permet de découvrir les sites de mémoires de la Grande Guerre à visiter autour de Verdun. Cette application est éditée par le C...
A Yu-Gi-Oh! Tools app. This app is made to improve the experience of tools used to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. For a Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist (card...
The LGfL Prehistoric Britain ActiveLens app is designed to work with the Prehistoric Britain ActiveWorksheet Pack which you can access on the London G...
It's an addictive game that anyone can pick up and enjoy!"Five Differences?" series have been downloaded more than 1 million times in AppStore!Fin...
It's an addictive game that anyone can pick up and enjoy!"Five Differences?" series have been downloaded more than 1 million times in AppStore!Fin...
Have you ever searched for your phone for hours, just to find it wedged in the couch cushions or at the bottom of your purse? Phone Finder provides a ...