face morph in after effects

Face Morph

Morphing your face!Really easy! fast! Funny! Face morpher!Face Morph features.- switch your face to other face- automatic face detection- face morphin...

Face Warp

Fun application that lets you easily morph and warp the faces of your friends. It's really simple, just load or take a picture, liquify it as you ...

变脸 Face Changer

您可将任何照片转换成滑稽可笑的照片。CNET: ”如您正在寻找一款很好的消磨时间且有趣的照片应用,这款再合适不过。您扭曲并编辑朋友面孔的时候,这款应用定会让您捧腹大笑。”变换脸部器官滑稽可笑的眼睛、鼻子、让头变成秃顶。涂抹与翘曲变胖或变瘦、让耳朵变成尖的、添加微笑。功能强大向照片添加文字或在上面绘画...