Eye-Fiレシーバー for ドコモ
デジカメで撮った高画質な写真や動画を、スマホにかんたん転送!本アプリケーションは無線LAN内蔵メモリーカード『Eye-Fiカード 01』専用のレシーバーアプリです。▼ドコモ「Eye-Fiカード 01」http://jp.eyefi.com/products/docomo01SDHC対応デジカメ(*1...
デジカメで撮った高画質な写真や動画を、スマホにかんたん転送!本アプリケーションは無線LAN内蔵メモリーカード『Eye-Fiカード 01』専用のレシーバーアプリです。▼ドコモ「Eye-Fiカード 01」http://jp.eyefi.com/products/docomo01SDHC対応デジカメ(*1...
O melhor Placar ao Vivo agora também para o Tablet e Smartphone com a qualidade Futebol Interior Com o aplicativo Placar FI (Placar Futebol Interior),...
Wi-Fi iSocket 是可控制遠端電源插座開關(homeplug)的應用軟體,除了需要有此特別的硬體(遠端電源插座開關)外,它還附帶些與控制電源相關有用的應用及功能。此智慧插座控制設計是運用IEEE 802.11 標準的無線(Wi-Fi)通訊及p2p通訊協定,再透過網際網路連接,讓使用者進行遠...
Questa applicazione Calcola la Password Di default del Wi-Fi di alcuni modem forniti da Fastweb e Telecom.Non Funziona con tutti i modelli e se la pas...
Wi-Fi Talkie is a communications app that lets you organize a voice chat, send and receive messages, files and folders within a Wi-Fi local network wi...
Have you ever lost your internet connection despite the Wi-Fi being connected? Sometimes all you have to do is toggle Wi-Fi on/off to restore your con...
Wi-Fi Rabbit is a widget that shows WiFi state by using icon.It can also show Wi-Fi access point information, toggling Wi-Fi ON/OFF, and switch access...
O Aplicativo TIM Wi-Fi é uma ferramenta para clientes TIM conectarem-se automaticamente a rede TIM Wi-Fi em locais públicos, aeroportos, estabelecimen...
Description This application is able to manage Mobi-I operation ( Mobi Wifi ) and check the images by remote control. Also, product setting can be cha...