

优质推荐】:全新的导航结构,为你推荐百里挑一的俊男美女,让恋爱变得简简单单; 【实名认证】:实名制让恋爱更严肃,真正做到非诚勿扰; 【看过我的】:当爱情来敲门时,幸福已经离你不远了,查看你的他(她),缘来你就在这里; 【关注】:您可以将称心如意的百合对象加入收藏,让你我的爱情连连看! 相恋,是一款?...


- U can enjoy with a thousand songs - U know new songs by open notification "ON" - U can enjoy with hot new songs and popular songs - U can enjoy with...

Kpop news

Check out latest K-Pop news from Allkpop.com with easy-to-read and simple user interface on your mobile phoneGet to know more about all the KPOP BANDS...


* Enjoy with a thousand of songs* Notification with new songs* Enjoy with new songs and popular songs* Enjoy with Artist songs: 2ne1, 4minute, A Pick,...


This is the official app of the 2014 PDX POP NOW! Music Festival, taking place in Portland, OR from July 18 -20. Explore the real-time map and click o...


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EXO(朝鲜语:엑소),韩国SM Entertainment公司在2012年推出的男子团体,成员人数现为12位。该团体出道前就受到广大瞩目,成员分成EXO-K和EXO-M两小队,K代表Korean,M代表Mandarin。两小队以同一首歌在同一时间分别以韩文和中文,在韩国与中国同时出道。EXO这个名...

EXO-M Games

What's up? EXO adalah boy band Korea Selatan dan Cina yang dibentuk oleh S.M. Entertainment pada tahun 2011. Grup ini terdiri dari dua belas anggo...