CSV Reader
CSV Reader is a simple app that allows you read csv files for easy viewing.Supported by ads.Quick how to:First stage: Open the app and choose csv file...
CSV Reader is a simple app that allows you read csv files for easy viewing.Supported by ads.Quick how to:First stage: Open the app and choose csv file...
Lightweight CSV Viewer apps.This app is a paid version of the CSV Viewer.The difference between the free version is as follows. 1. No ad delivery. 2. ...
Lightweight CSV Viewer apps.The developer of this app is authenticated to the official developer of andro Idah as a developer of a safe and secure app...
動画ビューアSCV(Smart Phone Contents Viewer)は動画専用のビューアです。SDカード、本体上の再生可能な動画ファイルだけ表示しますので複数のファイルをお持ちの方にはファイル選択がしやすく、ストレスなく動画を楽しめます!ご使用端末で再生可能とされているファイルはすべて再生可...
This app would be of help to those who like to organize their work. ‘Excel viewer’ helps to view the contents in an excel sheet on your mobile. It is ...
개인적인 사정 및 저의 실력 부족으로 업데이트가 늦었습니다. 아직까지 많은 문제점들이 있습니다만, 앞으로 개선해나가도록 하겠습니다. 사용하시다가, 문제가 발생하시면 가급적 증상과 사용하시는 엑셀 파일을 같이 보내주시면 문제해결에 도움이 됩니다. - 업데이트 내역 - 이...
●体验账号:用户名:vigo 密码:jama 服务器:中国电信1 ●本程序针对本公司的产品而开发,可购买本公司的摄像机并取得账号.http://www.vigocam.com gViewerX是一界面简洁,功能强大的视频监控客户端.可以方便地观看您在网络上的摄像机. ☆功能简介 1,可以观看摄像机视...
《Office文档查看器 Office Documents Viewer》非常小巧、快速的文档查看软件,支持部分OpenOffice和全部的Microsoft Office 2007文档,让你在离开办公室后依旧可以查阅工作内容。 (formerly Mobile Document Viewer) S...
ViewR is a voice controlled demo application that basically mixes a side by side view for head mounted display solutions like Dive or others with Qual...
ViewER is an Android application for rendering 3D models in openNURBS (3DM), Wavefront (OBJ), 3D Systems (STL), Stanford Triangle Format (PLY) and Aut...