excel 2010 圖表 雙y軸


The app is designed to enhance the experience of event attendees by putting the following features and information at their fingertips:+ Excell agenda...


能迅速建3D圖表及統計圖一按立即把圖表變為圖片方便分享!需要安裝Adobe Air,沒有廣告集合十多個高端3D和2D統計圖表類型:百分比圖表:圓形圖 圓形圖環圈圖金字塔圖錐體圖漏斗圖交錯函數圖交錯柱體圖組合圖表:(收費)線區柱圓筒表面(彩色系列或高度/地區)Stepline (樓梯)浮動區浮動列(單...


不怕换手机,不怕丢图片,不用再为照片拷贝或者备份而烦恼,一切皆由真正的“同步”帮您完成。 最新版图丫丫完美支持多相册同步。您可以将手机上的任意多的相册与云端保持同步。所有对相册的增、删、改操作都将同步到云端,并同步到绑定了相同帐号的其他Android设备上。 和其他App对比: 1. Dropbox...


Wetter is an app which draws beautiful meteograms. A meteogram is a time plot that uses data for a specific location on the ground. It can display pas...

Touch War

This game is made for 2 players, a red player and a blue player.Each player has to touch on screen to make bullets to fight against another player.Let...