Evo Card
Con Evo Card podrás entrar en el nuevo increíble mundo de la Realidad Aumentada.Escanea nuestra tarjeta de visita y disfruta de la animación del model...
Con Evo Card podrás entrar en el nuevo increíble mundo de la Realidad Aumentada.Escanea nuestra tarjeta de visita y disfruta de la animación del model...
Com o EVO Mobile, agora os alunos das academias e professores que utilizam os Softwares EVO também podem acessar seus dados do seu dispositivo mobile....
剩餘的電池部件和狀態欄通知信息可以通過 widget的大小,讓用戶可以輕鬆地自由調節製成。 在功能 - 電池電量信息 - 使用小部件(1x1的〜無限) - 狀態欄通知 - 狀態欄通知設置 - 搜索 - 電池/小工具/電池小工具/庫馬爾週一/熊/熊/熊小工具/狀態欄/狀態/通知/免費玩電池小工具3D ...
This is a battery widget of "Pesoguin".Cultivate him. Let's turn him.You can enjoy personalization of home screen.免費玩Pesoguin Battery 3D -Penguin-...
- stereoscopic Wallpaper for HTC Evo 3D- form your Homescreen!- 6 included Pictures- Load any Picture (Pro only)- convert any 2D picture to 3D with yo...
THESE WALLPAPERS ARE NOT 3D.. THEY ARE SIMPLY FROM THE EVO3DThis application provides users with the HTC EVO3D wallpapers!To use: long press on your h...
For HTC EVO 3D users only!This small service triggers the camcorder application when the 2D/3D switch is toggled.Now the hardware camera button starts...
HTC Evo 3D - Stereoscopic Gallery SlideShow (JPS files only!). This APP will let you see all your 3D Pictures in a SlideShow, something impossible wit...
的Android手機HTC EVO高清壁紙高清壁紙,您可以設置圖片作為您的主屏幕牆紙和應用程序將檢測你的手機屏幕尺寸將設置兼容到您的主屏幕上的圖像大小。 常見問題: 如何下載鏡像SD卡? 沒有必要將圖像下載到SD卡上所有圖像都將自動保存到SD CARD你唯一需要繼續使用應用程序設置壁紙到您...
For HTC EVO 3D only!View your .mpo and .jps files on HTC Sense and non-Sense ROMs in true 3D (tested on JB 4.3 CyanogenMod 10.2 & Sense 4.1 ICS 4.0.3)...