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Annoying Seal

We love seals. We really love them. But this seal is really annoying. Because it is made for being annoying. You can use it for a joke for your friend...


Use Pixel to effortlessly create and share beautiful pixel art.Create pixelated pictures with Pixel's straightforward tools. Make retro 8-bit illu...


人人心中都有一個秘密 大叔也不例外,大叔的秘密就是他其實是禿頭 每次上班途中大叔都很怕強風襲擊吹走他的假髮 請幫忙大叔守護他的假髮,讓他的秘密不要曝光! ■ 遊戲玩法 強風吹襲前會有落葉等徵兆。 風從哪邊來就使用那邊的手壓住假髮(ex:右邊來的風就舉右手) 要等風都平靜之才能把手放下來,不然假髮還...


Prepare for the game of your Life! Are ready to relive one of the classics, reimagined and redesigned into a Brand new version for Android! Also to ce...