evernote mac下載

Quick OS

Quick OS android app is one incredibly simple and amazingly helpful app which helps you prepare for the subject Operating Systems on-the-go with featu...

OS Map

Turn your Android phone into a handy Ordnance Survey map, with your position pinpointed on it! * VERSION 1.2 AVAILABLE NOW!* Nearly all OS scales. * F...

Wind OS

Wind OS app is almost like the real Windows on your phone. The app will let you feel the Windows atmosphere: you will hear noise of the cooler and see...


Evernote 是一個幫您產生行動力、更高生產力的新時代工作空間。一切從筆記開始,您永遠離實現目標更進一步。全球一億人隨身攜帶的工作空間:從簡短清單到長篇研究,各種筆記都行!隨時在任何裝置上存取。收藏網路文章、手寫筆記與照片,工作生活收納於一處。Evernote 強大的搜尋幫您快速呼叫資料。用 E...