Create your own event and share photos through Twitter with all your friends in real-timewhenever, where ever, whatever you're doing. Even with re...
Create your own event and share photos through Twitter with all your friends in real-timewhenever, where ever, whatever you're doing. Even with re...
Not rocket science here, just notes made simple. And multifunctional. Track them, organize and tag them or add some colors to them by joining photos.S...
Shift Calendar - The Ideal Shift Work Calendar AppNew feature added - Now supports PDF calendars Shift Calendar Pro is designed to help people who wor...
Business Calendar是一個功能完善的日曆應用程序,它能與您的谷歌日曆同步!*能平滑滾動、可縮放的1-14天多日視圖*圖形和文字兩種表現方式*可自由切換月視圖、事件列表、日視圖及詳情界面*可自選年視圖的配色方案*可使用常用日曆表快速顯示/隱藏日曆*搜索功能*拖放功能*組件可選不同大小的日...
Today is a streamlined, modern calendar app for Android. Despite being derived from the same stock android calendar as the majority of alternative cal...
Keep a permanent record of your call and sms activity with Call Calendar. Automatic logging of calls and sms to your chosen calendar. Call Calendar is...
Don't miss out...send yourself a message instead!This app will send you calendar event reminders to another device or email address.This app is ex...
The end of the world is coming… Choose your destiny now! Do you want to carry out the Mayan prophecy or to save the Earth? Mayan Prophecy is a thrilli...
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The Event Planner PRO includes tips and a checklist for successful planning of birthdays, weddings, press conferences and major events. This app is al...