ev3 color sensor rgb

Color Sensor Detector Arduino

Программа для распознавания цвета.Принцип работы:К плате Arduino подключаем датчик распознавания цвета "TCS230 TCS3200 Color Recognition Sensor Detect...


Features:- Mix any RGB color- Copy hex color code- Enter your own hex color code and modify them- Get the color of an image at a specific position (Be...

Sound Detector

Use your Android as a remote audio surveillance device.This program uses the built-in microphone to detect noise in the surrounding area. If it detect...

GyroBoy 3D 中文

与暴徒车齐头并进,骑上它为了生存而战!收集硬币并抢夺更具威力的武器***** 骑乘 ***** 战斗 ***** 胜利!特色* 愤怒的暴徒车!* 3D视觉效果! *挑战你的朋友们!*劲爆道具等待解锁* 智取致命陷阱*可升级武器*致命危险> 与TWITTER整 > 向你的关注者展示你的最佳成绩> 直观...


You can measure the acceleration of the car.Axis measurement is only Z.(Direction perpendicular to the screen.)You can save the graph to the terminal....