epu 是什麼


《金刚经》是初期大乘佛教的代表作之一,也是般若类佛经的纲要书,它全称《金刚般若波罗蜜经》一卷,由姚秦鸠摩罗什于弘始祥译出,问世之后,即在社会上广泛流传,篡要、注解、类颂、重演、义记、采微、集解、科释、宗通、决疑、大意,直说等略种注释达一百多种。 本应用是台著名学者南怀瑾先生有关《金刚经》的讲记。作者...


Designed for Ethiopia this instant messaging service will let keep in touch with friends and family all over the world. Selam is also a communication ...

OTA Snatcher

OTA Snatcher is a root application for all Android devices.What does it do?This uses root access to "Snatch" a copy of your device's OTA Update .Z...