English Irregular Verbs
372 English Irregular Verbs.Infinitive, Preterit and Past participle.This list can be very useful for those who struggle to remember the conjugation o...
372 English Irregular Verbs.Infinitive, Preterit and Past participle.This list can be very useful for those who struggle to remember the conjugation o...
Do you find phrasal verbs difficult? Aren´t you able to remember their meaning?.With this application you will have a complete list of phrasal verbs t...
Full list of phrasal verbs. Each verb has its meaning, an example and its pronunciation.Also, for better learning, you can practice each verb. To do t...
发现和学习新短语动词从3000不同。该应用程序有一个新的短语动词显示通知的每一天。每个短语动词包含它的定义,以及作为一个例子。 每日提示将帮助你学习Phrasals列表显示你每天一个新的。你检查的通知每次都会发现它的存在。 产品特点: *离线 - 你不需要数据连接 *超过3000个短语定义Phras...
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.Phrasal verbs are v...
This android application is a dictionary of english phrasal verbs.If you notice any mistake or you have a suggestion for improvements of any kind (add...
Phrasal Verbs programı içerisinde 36 kategoriden 500'e yakın phrasal verb ve bu phrasal verb'lerin türkçe anlamlarının olduğu bir İngilizce-Tü...
KPDS, ÜDS ve YDS de en çok karşımıza çıkan 400'e yakın Phrasal Verb'i uygulamada toparlamaya çalıştım.Aynı zamanda uygulamada olmayan eklemek ...
Learn 160 English irregular verbs for fun. In French, Spanish, Portuguese or Dutch you can try to find the infinitive, preterit and past participle ;c...
Learn English irregular verbs easy! Play our new English Irregular Verbs Balloon Game and practice your English skills at the same time.Rules are simp...