Find all the private and business contacts in Luxembourg with Editus. Access the White Pages, Yellow Pages and Business Pages of Luxembourg.The "aroun...
Find all the private and business contacts in Luxembourg with Editus. Access the White Pages, Yellow Pages and Business Pages of Luxembourg.The "aroun...
AutoMute is a small tool that automatically mutes your phone under specific scenarios.The current version supports the following two types of configur...
Het vaktijdschrift Automatie richt zich al 57 jaar op lezers die belangstelling hebben voor procesautomatisering en instrumentatie in brede zin. Het v...
AutoMute mutes your mic when somebody calls from a private/unknown number. It also has an option to mute all incoming calls. This is used by alarm cen...
解救泡泡出獄。移開擋路的木塊。聽起來很簡單嗎?雖然這款泡泡遊戲很容易學會,但卻很難掌握。遊戲的目標很簡單 - 將泡泡解救出來。怎麼解救呢?方法是滑開木塊以解除通道。有時解除通道需要很多步驟,可能要移動板上的所有木塊。 泡泡可以向任何方向移動,而木塊只可以橫豎移動。成功的關鍵是事先規劃!免費玩Bubb...
Agent X has the order to break into the prison to liberate a captured POW! He already has a full fledged escape plan and is all set to get into action...
《GFXBench》是一款跨平台 3D 图形基准测试软件,可测试您的设备性能并将结果与其他设备进行比较。 【软件特色】 高水平测试 使用高端游戏式场景来测试您的设备的整体 3D 图形性能。测试引擎具有复杂效果,以对 GPU 施压并就运行游戏或执行其他 GPU 密集型任务(例如 UI 渲染、导航)时所...
CF-Bench is (mainly) CPU and memory benchmark tool specifically designed to be able to handle multi-core devices, produce a fairly stable score, and t...
Setup Workbench is designed primarily for Radio Control Drivers who want to learn how to setup their car for better lap times. Although it is gear tow...