Allows Android users to view and control live video streams from IPCameras and DVRs..Features include:1.Andorid and tablet compatible.2.Support for Pa...
Allows Android users to view and control live video streams from IPCameras and DVRs..Features include:1.Andorid and tablet compatible.2.Support for Pa...
DrivePro 是為 Transcend DrivePro 行車記錄器所設計,須搭配器材使用。為了您的安全,請勿在車子行進間,操作 DrivePro 或使用其 App。・即時觀看行車影像・即時播放行車錄影檔案・下載儲存行車錄影檔案到智慧型手機、平板電腦・瀏覽或刪除 DrivePro 記憶卡 / 已...
DriveBit is a simple application used to help in logging commutes to FitBit.com. FitBit devices may misinterpret driving as steps and the only current...
TMEyeProVideo Surveillance in Your Mobile phoneThis client allows users to view and control their DVR.Features:Mobile phone for Android compatible.Unl...
This client allows users to view and control their DVR.Features:Mobile phone for Android compatible.Unlimited video on cellular and WIFI.Support Multi...
An App. of Digital Inspector! A Smart Home Control System; Integrates: Remote Security, Surveillance, RF Home Control & Remarkable Internet TV Enterta...
CarEyes - Driving Logger 是一款Android行車紀錄器軟體,提供使用者一個簡單的操作方式以及乾淨的介面。★★★ 軟體特色.支援背景(後台)錄影、循環錄影.支援無聲循環,消除持續重複且擾人的 開始/結束 錄影聲 (特定手機因相機底層架構和錄影聲音綁定,無法由軟體控制,所以錄影...
VideoRoad PRO二合一的工具:它記錄你所看到的,通過你的汽車擋風玻璃,數字視頻錄像機(DVR)和記錄GPS軌跡。您可以設置錄製的視頻的質量您可以將錄製的視頻通過電子郵件,Skype公司,任何,谷歌雲存儲Dropbox的驅動器,微軟的SkyDrive,YouTube)的,臉譜,藍牙等關鍵字:...