downgrade risky的意思

Risky Rider

You're on a motorcycle and riding in Extreme Speeds!!! On the opposing lanes the difficulty and RISK is greater. As you run more and as you face d...


Risk* is a simple prospect probability calculator for petroleum geoscientists. Though intended primarily as a helper application for our app Volume* —...


★★★★★ SALZHAUS APP ★★★★★Jetzt kostenlos downloaden! Aktuelle Infos und VIP-Vorteile mit der Salzhaus App! V1.2 - Weitere Updates folgen!★ Aktuelle Eve... is the leading information source on complex financial products and risk management, providing a competitive edge to any financial firm that ...


Following the philosophy of emokio, the app introduces QuiRiSKY to the smaller ones learning geometry, spatial reasoning and visual perception. In a p...

葛饰北斋 Hokusai

葛饰北斋(かつしか ほくさい,1760年10月31日-1849年5月10日),本名中岛时太郎,1760年生于的江户(现东京),是日本江户时代浮世绘派的大师级人物。他14岁学雕版印刷,18岁便和另一位浮世绘大师胜川春章学画,开始了自己漫长且多产的画画生涯——但葛饰却是等到了60岁以后才开始出名的。18...