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Double Dragon Trilogy

《双截龙》 (Double Dragon) 是 1987 年推出的一款独具创意的热门街机动作游戏,无可争议地享有协同作战横版格斗游戏鼻祖之美誉!如今这款经典的双截龙三部曲已针对移动平台特别打造,包含全部玩家最爱的三部街机系列游戏:《双截龙》 (Double Dragon)、《双截龙 2:复仇》 (D...

Double Dragon

“Double Dragon,” the ground-breaking horizontal-scrolling action game returns! Experience a legendary favorite for the first time with this tour de fo...

Prayer Time

This application was developed by local Muslim in Edmonton working for DEFICON Knowledge Services  to provide the Muslim community in Edmonton, Albert...