Maxthon-themed Launcher
This is a Maxthon-themed Launcher created by Solo Launcher Team for Maxthon. It includes themes , wallpapers, icons and fonts. It is a great way to pe...
This is a Maxthon-themed Launcher created by Solo Launcher Team for Maxthon. It includes themes , wallpapers, icons and fonts. It is a great way to pe...
IMPORTANT (MUST READ)This is a key to unlock ICS Launcher Plus features. You must have ICS Launcher installed to use this key and unlock the plus feat...
医学電子書籍といえば、M2Plus。M2Plus Launcherは『今日の治療薬』『イヤーノート』『サンフォード感染症』『朝倉内科学』など、重い医学書を「いつでも」「どこでも」「何冊でも」持ち運んでご活用いただける医学電子書籍アプリです。医師・研修医・医学生・看護師・薬剤師・PT/OTなど、全ての...
Quick LauncherYou can place the floating icon on your phone screen.You can launch (or switch) between your selected apps by clicking the floating icon...
Ace Launcher是为所有安卓手机设计的一款桌面管理产品,每位安卓用户一定会为它提供的强大功能每天对手机爱不释手!它在安卓原生桌面的基础上,大幅优化了用户在桌面上的用户体验,包括流畅炫丽的动画效果,简单易懂的操作和丰富强大的各种widget插件。它将给你带来一种完全不同的用户体验,帮助你快速查...
This is the key that unlocks all Launcher+ features and supports further development of features.Launcher+ is compiled straight from AOSP. Launcher+ f...
Side Launcher makes your favorite applications available to you no matter where you are on your Android device. A small arrow (launch trigger) is pers...
Hello Atumn dodol theme ***Customer Support*** - Google+ Community: - Facebook: - Instagram: ht...
ZLaunchy was written mainly for those who like the way HTC and other third party dialers allows searching for contacts in a T9-like way - so that find...