



The rule is simple, but this is not the easy puzzle game. You can connect two balls using click/drag method you want. You can clear it if you make all...


DNA Laboratory is one of the finest laboratory in Kuwait. The mobile application offers its clients the following benefits, -Locate us -View all tests...

Voice +

Voice is the application that allows you to use 100% of the voice features present in your smartphone, is the free application that allows you to: - "...


VOIC is the quickest way to control your phone from lock screen with your VOICE.When you want to:• Search for an App in your phone• Open Flashlight• S...

Voice +

Voice is the application that allows you to use 100% of the voice features present in your smartphone, is the free application that allows you to:- "T...

JLPT N1 文法对策---日语能力考试一级语法

『日本语能力考试1级语法对策』中我们使用了《日本语能力考试出题基准》(1994年国际交流基金·日本国际教育协会著凡人社出版)中所列出的“1级语法功能词”的内容。本书从学习者的角度出发对功能词的用法 , 词义, 连接方法进行详尽说明, 既有助于通过日语能力考试, 同时还能帮助学习者提高实际生活中的日语...