LMT Radio
LMT Radio (LiveMixtapes Radio) uses a unique and completely organic playlist that is updated daily. The randomized playlist consists of all the most r...
LMT Radio (LiveMixtapes Radio) uses a unique and completely organic playlist that is updated daily. The randomized playlist consists of all the most r...
"Flashcards for Toddlers n Kids" app is specially targeted to introduce to your child the pre-school knowledge of 7 common, yet major learning areas s...
Spanish flash cardsHundreds of Spanish words to study in your spare moments. * Pick a category (foods, clothing, directions, etc) or select ALL catego...
Ulrta falshlight App - Free of Charge*Camera LED at MAXIMUM*This app use only two permissions ( Led, internet)unlike othes so you dont have to afraid ...
FlashLingua - Makes learning foreign language vocabulary fast and easy (English, Spanish, and German). Intelligent flashcards allow u to hear the voca...
Just starting Spanish? Visiting Spain or South America soon? Want to pick up Spanish vocabulary as quickly as possible?Fluid Spanish: Flashcards has h...
Everything from our Kids Flashcards ★ PLUS - AdfreeKids are curious and love gadgets. So here is an app specially designed for curious little minds th...
猎鱼高手, android平台上最精致的捕鱼游戏就在眼前!在辽阔的海洋里翱游撒网, 收集可爱的玩偶, 听着哗啦啦的金币声, 享受收获的快感!独一无二的网络联机模式, 与其他玩家切磋猎鱼技术!还在等什么~快快来试试吧! 贴心的设计,精良的制作,让您收获无限的快乐! Wi-Fi,蓝牙对战模式,Game ...
美化中心——一个致力于装饰您Android手机的个性应用,全方位满足您手机美化的要求。这里集聚了丰富的美化资源,如壁纸、动态壁纸、主题等;一键下载一键应用,最快最便捷最简单。下载并享受它带给您的乐趣吧!免费功能:- 无缝下载高品质的壁纸和动态壁纸- 超级酷的图标包和主题包- 最新最流行的铃声及提示音...
泡泡射击是一款经典的泡泡消除小游戏,非常适合打发零碎时间的休闲游戏. 游戏玩法非常简单,主要是通过发射台发射泡泡,当有3个或以上的同色泡泡相连,这些泡泡将会掉落. 如果这些泡泡掉落之后造成其他连接的异色泡泡失去挂点,则这些异色泡泡也会 一同掉落. 泡泡飞行途中与其他泡泡相触,即被黏附,并停止运动.位...