生活工具包是一款不错的生活类工具,现以集成手电筒、二维码、定位.后续小工具更新中,推出更多实用的小工具。 手电筒它是为在夜晚或者在比较黑暗的地方,方便看东西和照明(不闪烁)之用! 二维码扫描是专业的二维码扫描、条码扫描、查看及支持下载连接下载的好工具。 定位是一款及定位、跟随等功能为一体的定位工具,...
This application contains many of the works of Peter Paul Rubens carefully cataloged.The main screen provides a quick view of the categories accompani...
Change your life with the power of prayer using this app from Pastor Suzette Caldwell and The Prayer Institute!Let Pastor Suzette, author of CHANGE YO...
Tesori e sapori dell'Abruzzo montano – La Provincia di Chieti bella e buonaScarica oggi Abruzzo Montano Chieti, l’applicazione gratuita che ti con...
La guida ufficiale de "I sentieri del mito", indispensabile strumento per conoscere i luoghi più suggestivi dei comuni del Basso Tirreno Reggino.Segui...
ABC Coloring for Kids! is an interactive app with lovely design that is easy to use!Inclusive for > 12 free painting from A to L> 10 free painting fro...
Let's learn English words with FUN!!!Words for Kids! is an interactive app best for your kids to learn basic words. With over 150 basic words, pow...
ABC for kids is a kid-oriented learning and entertaining app, with colorful and lovely pictures and dynamic games!It focuses on the introduction of le...
Sobre O Clube Gourmet:O Clube Gourmet é o melhor Clube de Vantagens Gastronômicas do Brasil, pois reúne os melhores restaurantes e bares do país, ofer...