TouchPal Keyboard for Tablet
平板打字也能快过手机!触宝输入法HD for Pad高清版是专为安卓平板设计的一款智能输入法。具有专为中文用户优化的可分离式键盘,智能手写输入,多语种语音输入等特点。同样继承了触宝手机输入法的急速输入“四核引擎”。使用户在平板上也能畅快随心地享受输入乐趣。 【分离式键盘】平板太大,点击候选词太麻烦?...
平板打字也能快过手机!触宝输入法HD for Pad高清版是专为安卓平板设计的一款智能输入法。具有专为中文用户优化的可分离式键盘,智能手写输入,多语种语音输入等特点。同样继承了触宝手机输入法的急速输入“四核引擎”。使用户在平板上也能畅快随心地享受输入乐趣。 【分离式键盘】平板太大,点击候选词太麻烦?...
Adaptxt is the best and most customizable keyboard in the Android market. It provides word suggestions before you even start typing and learns from yo...
Keyboard designed specifically for Tablets!Ergonomically designed for the best tablet experience!- Need to type while holding the tablet? No problem! ...
A few people have requested a skin like Orange Slate, but without the bright orange. Here you go! STILL free. Love it? Please consider picking up the ...
9420 Tablet Keyboard for Android is a free Thai/English keyboard software (with built-in "Full" Thai/English word database) that designs for tablet de...
WordLogic's latest technology! As seen in the Globe and Mail Jan 14, 2013"iKnowU is the First Viable Contender Against Swiftkey." - Lazytechguys"i...
"An excellent app" - Editor's Choice from DroidAppOfTheDay.com
丫丫环球是一款帮助你学习语言的软件。背单词、练口语、语音翻译、听外语广播,甚至可以用它来教你的小孩,YaYa有英语、日语、汉语的识字卡片。 包括的语种很多,汉语、英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄语、日语、韩语、阿拉伯语等等,都可以用丫丫环球来学习。 丫丫的单词库齐全,英语包括从小学到雅思、GRE的单词...
Keyboard designed specifically for Tablets!Ergonomically designed for the best tablet experience!- Need to type while holding the tablet? No problem! ...
欢迎来试玩网 点评游戏,赢取大奖,做中国的苹果游戏达人 超级NB的小母牛要下一百层了。增加了道具和变身功能,下一百层游戏变得更加有趣和充满冒险... 开始游戏:点击小母牛左右两侧可以让母牛向左或者向右跑动来到达下面的板子。不同板子有不同的特性,看谁能坚持到最后 查看排行榜:...