dead trigger app store


史上最棒的僵尸射击游戏尽你所能,拯救世界,参加特别设计的锦标赛,赢取不可思议的真正大奖。每天都从油田赚钱!*来自世界各地的超过2700万幸存者正投身于全球僵尸大战!**加入他们的队伍,开启你的战斗人生吧。*“无论是马拉松式的持久战,还是速战速决的闪电战,都充满了乐趣。” —Gamezebo“手机游戏...

Dead Evil Trigger 2

內容介紹 : Welcome to Dead Evil Trigger 2!! The time has come to the end of humanity. Get alert in the ultimate battle for survival in the face of a glob...

Dead Zombies Trigger 2

內容介紹 : Welcome to Dead Zombies Trigger 2!! The time has come to the end of humanity. Prepare yourselves in the ultimate battle for survival in the fa...