Plug Mobile
PLUG is a mobile offer for people wishing to better manage their budget mobile phone without encountering surprises.This offer is jointly proposed by ...
PLUG is a mobile offer for people wishing to better manage their budget mobile phone without encountering surprises.This offer is jointly proposed by ...
Note:To use this app, you’ll need a compatible Snoos Power Plug and a Snoos Box to connect with the internet.General descriptionThis app can control S...
Plug&Move vous accompagne au quotidien pour profiter au mieux de votre véhicule électrique. Afin d’optimiser votre parcours, vous pouvez rechercher un...
Plug & Pay allows to manage easily and immediately your group expenses.How many times did you lose your time during holidays in manage your bills and ...
Plug & Pay allows to manage easily and immediately your group expenses.How many times did you lose your time during holidays in manage your bills and ...
EzPlugControl your HOME from SmartphoneRemotely control your appliances from anywhere. EZ Setup, Single Step to Control Your need to own a plug, sold ...
"무심코 새는 전기요금 이제 유플러그로 관리해 드립니다!." UPLUG란? 실시간 전력량 측정장치와 결합된 스마트 지능형 서비스 입니다. 가전제품의 전력량을 실시간으로 측정하여 웹서비스를 이용해 전력 사용패턴을 분석하고 효율적인 에너지 사용과 에너지 절감을 할수 있도록...
A classic 4x4 word puzzle game (like Boggle). Find all the words you can by linking up adjacent letters. A great way to pass the time on line, in a tr...
Управляйте вашим домом с телефонаВы можете включать или выключать ваши электроустройства, где бы вы ни находились! Лампы, вентиляторы, обогреватели, б...
【西双版纳】傣族自治州,位于中华人民共和国云南省南端,是云南省下辖的一个自治州。西双版纳,古代傣语为“勐巴拉那西”,意思是“理想而神奇的乐土”,这里以神奇的热带雨林自然景观和少数民族风情而闻名于世,是中国的热点旅游城市之一。 【西双版纳】移动APP是精选西双版纳文化、旅游、美食资讯,提供详细的文字介...