dairy queen taiwan

Our Dairy

屬於父母與孩子的 日記 從孩子的視角來看這個世界 藉著不同的"相機任務" 讓孩子蒐集更多影像認識更多事物 雖然還不會寫字紀錄 卻可以藉由"錄音" 記下當下的感受 "塗鴉本" 可以讓孩子使用蠟筆與貼紙 從線條與幾何形狀中 展現出天真與創意 不同一般"月曆" 除了可以查閱日期 也可以從日期上看到當日的照...

Diary Pro

Diary is a simple application which lets you write daily thoughts/ideas/memories with a simple user interface. Make your memories more memorable by at...


Have the habit of writing diary daily? Looking for a simple and easy to use diary app? Here you go, the Diary fulfills it all.Diary is a simple applic...


Have the habit of writing diary daily? Looking for a simple and easy to use diary app? Here you go, the Diary fulfills it all. Diary is a simple appli...


This diary application able to store record of events, experiences, and observations.You can store your experiences and observation in this applicatio...