"Dagon" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft, written in July 1917, one of the first stories he wrote as an adult. It was first published in the Novemb...
"Dagon" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft, written in July 1917, one of the first stories he wrote as an adult. It was first published in the Novemb...
_______ORAMA is an application focused on the promotion of cultural activities and location of relevant places within a city.For example, being locate...
The Bike+(Bike Plus) is a free download App. It can integrate with bikes as below list and the IHP cloud service. Thus, it provides you with performin...
In each issue we'll help you celebrate your love of cycling in the most rewarding way possible... By making you even better at it. From expert adv...
GoodScanner is a Pocket scanner can quickly scan documents anywhere, anytime. you can scan list, whiteboard, paper notes, or any other multi-page docu...
Spring Clean Photos allows you to clean up your iOS device's photo in a blink. On our iPhone or iPad, there's no quick way of deleting large amount of...
Fly through the streets of NYC as your favorite childhood memory with a magical twist. You can choose your planes and take flight!SPEEDTravel to each ...
Browse different textures for your great photos with Mixtures, such as grain, light leaks, pastels, fabric, wooden and many other, apply up to 3 textu...
Battle Sudoku Puzzles while advancing your character! Sudoku RPG is a hybrid combination of classic Sudoku style gameplay and character advancement. C...
Planning to start your business? Already own a company? Then this app is for you!Decomposition App lets you understand key markers of any business ide...