Cyber Windows
Cyber Windows 是一個3x3九宮格的桌面軟體。使用者可以利用手機內建的移動感應器來切換頁面。* A brand new Android launcher.* Provide user with 9 home screens.* Switch home screens with postu...
Cyber Windows 是一個3x3九宮格的桌面軟體。使用者可以利用手機內建的移動感應器來切換頁面。* A brand new Android launcher.* Provide user with 9 home screens.* Switch home screens with postu...
It is the year 2157, and you have hacked into a top secret computer. Dive through the computer's mainframe and collect as much data as you can, bu...
[FREE GAME, NO ADS]Battle Various Robots by Racing to Solve IQ Problems★ 8 Different Games★ Have Your IQ evaluated While You Play★ Compare Score and I...
If you never need this app, you've spent a buck forty-nine. If you do need it, what you save may be incalculable! It pays to be prepared!Kept simp...
Simple, advertisement free and nice looking battery information tool available as a widget, a notification or as any other application from applicatio...
NDTV Gadgets, India’s most trusted name in tech, is now available on your Android devices. Follow the latest from your Gadget Gurus - Vikram Chandra a...
Für den Maschinenbaustudenten und noch mehr für den fertigen Maschinenbau-Ingenieur wird die sichere Verwendung seiner Fachbegriffe in Fremdsprachen i...
3D Mohr's Circle is a powerful tool for stress analysis. This App is a learning aid for mechanical and civil engineers.This app works best on HD d...
BatteryTime Free is the older version of BatteryTime that users can use if they are not happy with the 3.0 update.The 3.0 update is designed to improv...
遊戲介紹「征服者的王朝 (Reign of Conquerors)」將AAA級的電腦遊戲深度帶入隨處可玩的行動裝置中。結合五種不同的遊戲元素,創造出容易上手卻又十分寫實的世界,其中充滿了與您相似的對手與友善的君王。擁有數以千計的英雄以及無數可選擇的軍隊組合,因此本遊戲可讓玩家建立獨一無二、符合自己遊...