cryptowall 3.0 勒索軟件病毒


Crypto is a lightweight and powerful utility that calculates hashes from text that you type in! You can calculate multiple hashes. Hash your passwords...


Cryptography: the practice of securing communications.Crypto allows you to use classic ciphers such as Caesar Shift, Keyword or Russian Nihilist to en...


Crypto is an application that provides to encrypt your files and hide them to your system.A varied set of algorithms has been built to to better prote...


Crypto поможет Вам в секретном общении с друзьями, а также в простом развлечении в общих чатах(например ВК)Имеется возможность выбора ключа(Рекомендуе...


Qryptal lets you scan QR codes using your phone's camera. It is especially developed to work with QR Codes created on the Qryptal platform.Feature...


Are you afraid of Facebook and the NSA snooping your messages over an unsecure channel such as Facebook chat, sms, or Hangouts? Manually encrypt your ...


Fed up with typing the same old message to the same contact day after day? Then TxtTmplts might just save your sanity!TxtTmplts allows you to create y...

Soul Slash SAGA靈魂守護者

2015史詩級ARPG,NEXON年度大作《靈魂守護者》塵世紛爭 大戰在即2015最值得期待動作RPG,十五種職業,數百種技能!收集你的靈魂守護者,保護世間萬物,抵禦惡魔軍隊。在副本中尋找獵物、選擇合作或PVP競技場。雇用、合成、進化更多的靈魂守護者,從而發動更強大的攻擊。產品特點:15個職業,數百...