CPU info
Simple notification icon that shows CPU usage percentage and CPU frequency. Refreshing every two seconds.Done to be small and fast with few options in...
Simple notification icon that shows CPU usage percentage and CPU frequency. Refreshing every two seconds.Done to be small and fast with few options in...
The best way to increase the CPU productivity of your phone , tablet or any other Android based device.CPU Booster completes dynamic CPU Overclock in ...
CPU Hog will find processes that hog your CPU, and drain your battery.Its works like this, if it detects that your battery temperature is higher then ...
Android version of the popular CPU identification tool for Android , CPU-Z is a free application that reports information about your device.- SoC (Sys...
The CPU Display App shows basic CPU and system information. With the notification service the CPU usage in percent can be viewed with one touch.Notes:...
-Приложение которое показывает, сколько времени тратит процессор в каждом частотном диапазоне.-Выводи информацию о ядре процессора. ( так можно точно ...
Wanna know which app consumes CPU most ? This wallpaper shows you the CPU load from Unix "top" command output. - Once per second data update- Text col...
【著者名】ヘンな間取り研究会【出版社名】イースト・プレス【内容紹介】入れない部屋、使えない収納…「ここにどうやって住めと?」思わずツッコミたくなる日本の愛すべき間取り!笑撃間取り190選!くつろげないバス・トイレ 楽しい食卓 どう使う?この部屋 謎のバルコニー 使えない収納 ありがた迷惑なオプション...
“澳門海上航班”是澳門特別行政區海事及水務局為方便市民及旅客透過移動裝置查詢海上航班及客運碼頭資訊而開發的應用程式,其主要功能包括:• 實時航班 - 提供澳門特區各個客運碼頭實時的抵達和離澳航班的資訊• 航班表查詢 - 提供各航線定期航班的時間表• 觀光航班資訊 - 提供海上觀光航班時間表及活動簡介...
说明仅一次的触摸可以点亮灯泡,仅一次的触摸可以点亮世界。又简单又着迷的拼图类游戏!! 不分老小,全家人可以共享的游戏!! 共享欢乐就成双倍!!亲密度无限增加!! 训练脑力! 就可以变聪明啊! 现在就下载吧!!▶特点 - 十分简单的玩法 – 容易且灵通! - 多样的颜色皮肤所提供的与众不同的欢乐! –...