cool clock widget apple

Apple iPhone5-Theme

高仿,精致,逼真……安卓用户也能享受极致的iPhone体验!1 高仿iPhone界面,炫酷iPhone5锁屏,下载点击应用就能即刻拥有!2 主题海洋,丰富主题随心换;3 点心独创天气小部件,完美的将天气和时钟结合;4 极致便捷的一键系列:一键清理,一键wifi,一键上网,一键亮度;免費玩Apple ...

cAndy Apple

Attention: Do NOT download if you are not interested in 1985-era emulation. An Apple //e emulator.Release 1.66Note: Soft keyboard for devices with no ...

Flippin Apples

The apples are all rotten and its time to trade them for Robots. Can you flip all the Apples for Robots? Addictive, yet simple game play, flip all the...


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