Keep track of your expenses and stay productive on the go. Large and small businesses can easily track business travel and manage expense reports anyt...
Keep track of your expenses and stay productive on the go. Large and small businesses can easily track business travel and manage expense reports anyt...
你的大腦是聰明嗎?與你年齡相乎嗎? 在退步嗎? 記憶大不如前嗎? 試試我,你就會知道你的大腦年齡了。這是一系列的腦測試。除了測試你目前大腦的狀況,它也有助於加強你的大腦區域瞬時記憶,顏色區分,數字定位和視覺記憶。經常訓練,將令你的大腦年齡比實際年輕。即使喜歡玩沙箱孩子也會喜歡這個遊戲。你並不需要先進...
I nuovi anticoagulanti orali rappresentano una valida alternativa alla terapia con warfarin nella prevenzione di ictus ed embolia sistemica in pazient...
This apps gives signs and symptoms of concussions. It includes a simple list which indicates which symptoms are serious and require a immediate hospit...
Já é do conhecimento de todos que a melhor maneira de estudar para concursos públicos é aliando a teoria à resolução de exercícios. Assim o estudante ...
O App "Concursos e Aulas Grátis", traz um leque de informações sobre notificações automáticas de concursos públicos, produtos e preparatórios voltados...
The Hockey Canada Concussion Awareness app is a great tool for parents, coaches, trainers, players, administrators and anyone interested in learning a...
Displays current network connections of your phone.Check for unwanted connections, find applications that hold links to the internet, identify VPN or ...
动图也就是我们常说的GIF, 这虽然是上世纪的产物,但是直到现在还承载着主流的网络文化。 本应用在收集了全球各大GIF站中的精华,是在移动设备上欣赏GIF图的必备利器。 #产品特色: 1 随便看看模式,仿豆瓣电台式的浏览界面,非常简单直接。 2 GIF后台加速优化传输,再也不会出现卡半天的郁闷情况。...
庄子说:“相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。”人类永远不可能忘情金融,有人就有恩怨,有恩怨就有江湖。金融,也许是人类永远无法退出的江湖。 正版图书,侵权必究! [目前支持IOS6及以下版本] ◎书籍简介 《世界是部金融史》以时间为纲,以国家、人物、事件为目,围绕金融这个核心,采用诙谐生动的语言,将希腊、罗马...