comic studio pro

Comic It

Comic-It!The new and funny way to see Facebook.Convert what your friends are talking about in a funny comic.New characters, coming soon!How to have fu...

IsoPix Pro 專業中文版

IsoPix 是專為創作像素畫 (Pixel Art) 而設的小畫家繪畫工具。這是 IsoPix 的 Pro 專業版。Pro 版擁有更多功能而不含任何廣告。特點:- 直觀的雙指縮放及移動操作 (雙指同時拖曳或收捏;單指縮放及移動鍵可在設定中加入)- 簡易的圖像選取、複製及貼上功能 (可旋轉或翻轉後...


Get swept away in the most immersive comic book and graphic novel reading experience available on your phone or tablet.There’s no superpower necessary...



Comic Booth

Take anyone's picture & put a comic head on them instantly!Save it to your device or email it and show your friends how much better you made them ...

RoidRage Comic Maker Pro

不论在哪里你能创作属于你自己的暴走漫画/表情特色功能:- 从500多张暴走漫画表情和脸型中创作属于你的作品- 提供追加表情包下载- 输出高分辨率文件.png并分享- 搜索功能- 画图功能- 添加/删除漫画面板- 单/多指缩放/旋转- 无广告- App2SD- 更多等你来发现!专业版功能:- 添加自定...