com port


Android Portscanner, supports TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols.Dicover all the services that are on wifi networks.Available options:TCP Quick Scan.TCP port...

Port Scanner

Tool for scanning open ports on any computer.Abilities:- Set timeout for each scan.- Determine sinle port, range or manually pick ports to be scanned....

COM Port

COM Port 4 Android (CP4A) is a serial communication utility, which combines network and real or virtual serial COM ports into one. The CP4A.apk provid...


U vindt hier een actueel aanbod van acties en kortingscodes van diverse webwinkels.De aangeboden kortingen en acties zijn gericht de doelgroep interac...


Scan-That, the Loyalty & Reward App Collect rewards from multiple retailers all within the one app, as there's no need to search for the retailer,...


內容介紹 : 「SCAN IT!(スキャンイット)」は、AR(拡張現実)を手軽に楽しむことができるアプリケーションです。専用のARマーカーや、対応する平面画像(商品パッケージやポスター、新聞、雑誌など)にAndroid端末をかざすだけで、ARコンテンツを楽しむ事ができる無料のアプリケーションです。...