cloud wiki


Cloud+,是汇集所有华为云服务的一站式服务。 华为云服务包括:智汇云、手机找回、全备份、天天浏览器、天天聊、精品推荐.... 为您提供以下服务: 手机不怕丢(远程定位您的手机,远程备份擦除手机资料) 应用随身甩(正版应用下载,分享,升级) 内容随身带(160G超大网盘,百万正版歌曲,图铃下载) ...



What Cloud

Do you want to know what the clouds tell you? Then check out What Cloud. Compare the clouds you see to the ones built into the app to determine what w...

Clouds Drop

Clouds DropSimple and addictive game.You know the game Tetris, Columns or Jewels, in the same category, here's Clouds Drop.Assemble elements and c...

Magik Cloud

Magik Cloud is a cloud service that allows you to safely BACK-UP and RESTORE the information on your phone via over the air to the Internet.It support...