cloud point of sale

Point of Sales

Point of sale is the place where a retail transaction is completed. It is the point at which a customer makes a payment to the merchant in exchange fo...


POINT provides fun, easy and convenient guided experiences anywhere at anytime. Explore, learn and appreciate what’s around you with interpretive cont...


点我PointMe是一款新兴的新概念手机移动平台。用户在手机锁屏画面上视听广告的同时可以获得各种不同的奖励。通过现金奖励的方式,以多样化的积分和现金收入为载体,为用户展现一种新鲜的享受生活的方式,是我们共同的终极追求。 使用方法 1、通过锁屏画面或者点我PointMe应用中的任务项,都可在收看广告后...