MX Player
MX Player - 欣賞影片的最佳途徑。 a) 硬體解碼 - 擁有最新的硬體解碼器,更多視頻能受益於硬體加速。 b) 多核心解碼- MX Player 是 Android 平臺上第一款多核心解碼視頻播放機,根據在多核設備上的測試,它比單核心解碼效能提高將近70%。 c) 觸屏縮放手勢 - 在螢幕...
MX Player - 欣賞影片的最佳途徑。 a) 硬體解碼 - 擁有最新的硬體解碼器,更多視頻能受益於硬體加速。 b) 多核心解碼- MX Player 是 Android 平臺上第一款多核心解碼視頻播放機,根據在多核設備上的測試,它比單核心解碼效能提高將近70%。 c) 觸屏縮放手勢 - 在螢幕...
ZebCast is a simple app allowing you to cast videos from your phone to a chromecast dongle. This is a Beta release. This has most features working, an...
Rich Media Player is simple, fast and powerful media player to discover, view and manage your media content easier.With a nice and intuitive interface...
Ready for the hypest podcast player on Android ?- SBFC Player allows you to stream your favorite podcast from the SuperBestFriends !- SBFC Player is f...
Cast Video(Including Live Video), Audio(Including Live Audio) and Photo from Web, Local Device and Digital Media Servers(DLNA/UPNP) to ChromeCast, DLN...
Chromecast 是一款只有拇指大小的媒體串流裝置,將它插入電視的 HDMI 通訊埠後,即可使用智慧型手機、平板電腦或筆記型電腦,將您喜愛的影音娛樂內容和應用程式投放到電視大螢幕上。Chromecast 應用程式可讓您:• 設定 Chromecast,並將 Chromecast 連上 Wi-Fi...
如果您想透過電視觀賞線上影片或瀏覽任何網路內容,Chromecast 絕對是最便捷的方式。只要將 Chromecast 連接任何高畫質電視,再透過您現有的智慧型手機、平板電腦或筆記型電腦操控即可。不需要使用遙控器,點選一個按鈕,就能將您在 Google Play、YouTube、Netflix 和 ...
With SlideCast and Google Chromecast you can show your slides in a projector with HDMI port and/or a TV from any Android device. Forget your PC and ca...
Web Video Caster allows you to stream videos you find on the web to any Chromecast device, this includes live streams of news, sports, also movies and...
Explore "Tales From The Minus Lab" with your Hasbro My3D or FOV2GO viewer!Simply load the app onto your iPhone or iPod touch and insert it into your 3...