German-Russian dictionary
German-Russian and Russian-German dictionaries in your pocket without being connected to the Internet. More than 52.000 words, idioms and collocations...
German-Russian and Russian-German dictionaries in your pocket without being connected to the Internet. More than 52.000 words, idioms and collocations...
English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries in your pocket without being connected to the Internet. More than 100.000 words, idioms and collocati...
English-Spanish and Spanish-English dictionaries in your pocket without being connected to the Internet. More than 70.000 words, idioms and collocatio...
MMEG ХХК нь Монголд анх удаа уул уурхайн мэргэжилтэнүүдийн тусламжтайгаар хөгждөг чөлөөт толь бичгийн аппликейшнийг танилцуулж байна. Уул уурхайн толь...
Offline English-Hungarian dictionary, plus German-, French-, Italian-, Spanish-, Portuguese-, Swedish-, Finnish-, Dutch-, Czech-, Croatian-Hungarian t...
گروپی کۆمپانیاکانی دیوان : گروپی کۆمپانیاکانی دیوان له ساڵی (2001) دا چووهته بواری مۆبیلیات و کهوانتهر و پلاستیک و دیکۆرات و کارەبایات ، سهرهتا...
> Daily Nepali Words, Ukhans, Gaun Khane Kathas, Miti and more.> Type in Nepali (Romanized / Traditional) and Search Instantly. Scroll down to load mo...
A comprehensive reference tool introduces you to the Chinese pinyin.Almost all of the possible currently-spoken syllables are included.Listen to the a...
学生们,还在为繁杂的拼音感到困扰么,还在为找不到人练习汉语而困惑么,现在你们的救星到了,下载此APP,快速帮助你认识繁杂的拼音,让你的汉语进步如飞,正是印证了那句耳熟能详的语句:妈妈再也不用担心我的学习了,so easy! 此应用也适用于想提高国学汉语的小朋友们哟! Improve your Chi...
Pocket Pinyin is a talking pinyin (and bopomofo) chart for learners and travelers seeking to speak and listen to spoken Mandarin Chinese.Every tone an...