每日讀經 Chinese Audio Bible
伺服器連線或有快有慢,建議音頻、聖經文檔,全部下載。File Server sometime speed low, Please download all files.每日讀經,有聲聖經,由好牧人網站提供錄音檔案。新增,中文聖經,注音版。Chinese Audio Bible可在線播放,下載到 SD...
伺服器連線或有快有慢,建議音頻、聖經文檔,全部下載。File Server sometime speed low, Please download all files.每日讀經,有聲聖經,由好牧人網站提供錄音檔案。新增,中文聖經,注音版。Chinese Audio Bible可在線播放,下載到 SD...
Bible Studies, online bible, social links to word ministry, videos, enter to win, this is a great app for bible studies and to link with friends Conte...
The Olive Tree Bible Study App has been designed for deeper Bible study, join over 4 million users on “The Bible Study App.” Learn from great scholars...
And Bible is an open source, offline, totally free Bible application to enable as many people as possible to read, listen to, and study Scripture as e...
The most accurate Chinese translation of the King James Bible. Currently contains the New Testament with the Old Testament to be released in the comin...
Study Bible is an application that seeks to make the study of the Bible an enjoyable experience through easy to use controls and features that help ma...
And Bible is an open source, offline, totally free Bible application with no advertisements to enable as many people in all countries to read, listen ...
閱讀聖經您的手機。新約和舊約。目 录旧 约 全 书创 世 纪, 传 道 书 出 埃 及 记, 雅 歌利 未 记, 以 赛 亚 书 民 数 记, 耶 利 米 书 申 命 记, 耶 利 米 哀 歌约 书 亚 记, 以 西 结 书士 师 记, 但 以 理 书 路 得 记, 何 西 阿 书 撒 母 耳 记 ...
聖經繁體中文版 Bible. Chinese-Traditional Holy Bible (CUV)《聖經和合本》(簡稱和合本;今指國語和合本,舊稱官話和合本),是今日華語人士最普遍使用的《聖經》譯本。此譯本的出版起源自1890年在上海舉行的傳教士大會,會中各差會派代表成立了三個委員會,各自負責翻...
感謝主,《漢語聖經App》榮獲基督教出版聯會第六屆金書獎「電子書出版」獎!我們在此感謝大家一直以來的支持,盼望此APP能繼續幫助大家在電子平台上「讀聖經,認識神」! 聖經協會隆重呈獻!一個集多個聖經版本、聖經詞典、聖經地圖、研讀附註、靈修材料、聆聽材料、神學研究書籍、讀經計劃等功能於一身的APP,讓...