chat app for android

Download Manager for Android

★★★全面提速!下载速度是原来的三倍★★★ ★☆★三百多万用户的共同选择★☆★ ☆你可以直接把链接复制/粘贴到浏览器地址栏里开始下载 ★同样适用于分享网页链接和下载地址 ☆用下载管理器安卓版来有效下载和管理任何类型和大小的文件。 超越了大部分默认下载应用的局限,如身份验证、保存、校验,支持所有文件类...

Download Manager for Android

★☆★加速!下载速度快三倍★☆★ ☆☆☆超过300万用户的选择☆☆☆ 使用Android下载管理器高效下载和管理任何类型或大小的文件。 克服默认下载的大部分限制,如认证、整体性检查,支持所有文件类型和下载生命周期管理。 Web浏览器功能 分页浏览 支持网页的HTTP基本认证 简洁明了的用户界面 书签...

Atti Inventor

* 유아교육용 스마트로봇 '누리아띠' 전용 앱입니다. - 스마트로봇 '누리아띠'가 있어야만 함께 실행이 됩니다. - '누리아띠'와 스마트폰을 연결해주는 '아띠홈' 전용 런처가 필요합니다. - 아띠용으로 특수 인쇄...

Chat Cloud

Chat Cloud analyzes your text messages (SMS and WhatsApp) to find the words that you use, your friends use, or you both use in common. Then, it genera...

Android Bubble R1

Burst as bubble as you can within the time. Three types of missions are available : classic, combo and survival. Be quick and precise to avoid bombs t...

BlueTooth Chat

This Application uses Bluetooth to allow chat between two paired Bluetooth devices. The app will be install it onto two Android devices and chat with ...