Business Chinese
Learn to communicate with Business Mandarin in Mandarin Speaking business environment is the first & essential step YOU take to gain advantages and BE...
Learn to communicate with Business Mandarin in Mandarin Speaking business environment is the first & essential step YOU take to gain advantages and BE...
trainchinese will teach you Chinese, with a free and complete dictionary, thousands of vocab lists, example sentences, audio recordings, measure words...
Omniglot Chinese is an app to help beginners learn to read, write and recognize Chinese characters. The app presents one hundred of the most commonly ...
翻譯從中國到英國或從英國到中國 - 包括離線字典 - 每日一詞 - 語音識別英文和中國(簡體) - 羅馬(羅馬字/拼音) - 講英語或中國的一句,並聽到翻譯 - 複製在其他應用程序粘貼 - 翻譯發送短信或電子郵件 - 翻譯史 翻譯字典中國免費玩Chinese Translator/Dictionar...
Style your home screen with beautiful Chinese signs!- Each sign has a different meaning. - You can choose between over 40 different signs in three dif...
Jijizhazha Chinese is a Chat Show from Hujiang Chinese. The host Michael will introduce some interesting and functional sentences which will help fore...
PhraseBox Chinese - phrasebook for Android.Are you going to travel to China?Are you planning a business trip to Beijing or Shanghai?In this case our p...
BonjourChine.Com is the 1st china travel and expatriate in French. Already over 45 000 members and 250 000 messages.Join the community, ask questions ...
支持中文简繁体: 《血字的研究》 《深海探秘》 《失去的世界》 《无人生还》 《达芬奇密码》 《希区柯克悬念故事集》 《死亡约会》 《百年诅咒》 《恐怖谷》 《伯特伦旅馆之谜》 《第三个女郎》 《尼罗河谋杀案》 《猫眼》 《暗藏杀机》 《白马酒店》 《高尔夫球场的疑云》 《ABC谋杀案》 《时间的女...
翘曲,扭曲,拉伸的面孔,加入真棒眼睛,帽子和其他附加到您的相机滚动图片。的D -面对让你创造了惊人的图片,让你的朋友和家人。你会惊讶于你可以创建和共享。 检查从NHiGames的 - 休会游戏,iBabyPlay其他应用 用于其他应用程序访问 主要特点: - 经你的形...