card dungeon apk

Card Counter

Card Counter is an exciting game based on real Blackjack card counting techniques. You love Blackjack and know what to do in every hand, but now you w...

Card Counter

Step up your blackjack game by learning to count cards. If you've already mastered blackjack strategy and don't have the time to learn card co...

阴暗地牢 Devious Dungeon

《阴暗地牢 Devious Dungeon》一款动作闯关游戏,结合了近身战斗以及RPG风格等游戏元素,在游戏的关卡中不论是道具还是怪物都是随机出现的,因此每次玩家进行游戏的感觉都会不一样。游戏采用复古像素风,并且将游戏背景设定在中世纪时代,这种内外怀旧的风格也让人觉得游戏似乎分外带感,喜欢的玩家赶紧...