capture peak design


In film-based photographic education, strong programs and writings have placed great emphasis on making a negative. But to get to the negative, good e...

Screen Capture

'Screen Capture' Application on your device screen capture feature.(No Rooting) 1. No Rooting: taking snapshots of phone's screen without the need for...


Capptura realiza fotos con la cámara frontal cuando alguien intenta desbloquear tu dispositivo Android e introduce la contraseña de forma errónea. Est...

葛饰北斋 Hokusai

葛饰北斋(かつしか ほくさい,1760年10月31日-1849年5月10日),本名中岛时太郎,1760年生于的江户(现东京),是日本江户时代浮世绘派的大师级人物。他14岁学雕版印刷,18岁便和另一位浮世绘大师胜川春章学画,开始了自己漫长且多产的画画生涯——但葛饰却是等到了60岁以后才开始出名的。18...