capture app for bb

Screen Capture

'Screen Capture' Application on your device screen capture feature.(No Rooting) 1. No Rooting: taking snapshots of phone's screen without the need for...


愛車をかっこよく撮りたい!クルマ好きなら誰でも見る夢を、マツダが応援します。多彩なカメラ機能。あのCAR GRAPHIC監修による、クルマを美しく撮るための撮影ガイド。そして様々なアフターエフェクトをワンパッケージに。さあ、あなたの傑作を仲間と共に、お楽しみください。■主な特徴カメラ機能★露出補正機...

My baby

"My baby" is a user-friendly application to control the growth of the child. The application is able to control the weight, height and head circumfere...


Never has there been such a simple but such a powerful tool to view and download pictures from Facebook.With Kapture you can:1. View your tagged photo...