canon 全幅鏡頭


Cannon is a 2D trajectory simulation/game. The basic objective is to adjust your angle and power in order to hit a target.Version 2 recreates Cannon f...

UIST 2014

Attending UIST 2014? Let this app be your guide to the conference!This is the official Android conference guide for the 27TH ACM User Interface Softwa...

超級應用鎖-免費無廣告 2015最新版

超級應用鎖,免費,無廣告,功能最全,最穩定,,史上最牛最強大的應用鎖! 2015新年版本震撼登場! 鎖短信,聊天記錄,通訊錄,電話,圖片,視頻,郵件,私信,秘密圖片等等,有了超級應用鎖,再也不用擔心隱私洩露了!最關鍵的是永久免費,無廣告!不花一分錢,隱私安全一個APP就搞定!★有了應用鎖,您可以:1...